Adobe 奥斯卡广告:1分钟超高速视觉联想,梦幻到不舍得眨眼

分类栏目:用户体验 - 用户研究


发布于 暂无评论

Creativity for All 

Adobe 近期推出以 “ Creativity for All ” 为题的全新广告片,在 1 分钟时间内,将用 Adobe 实时处理的千余张视觉影像连贯呈现,如同潘多拉宝盒一般,打造出极为梦幻的高速视觉联想效果。该广告片在 2020 年奥斯卡典礼直播过程中进行了投放。

该广告片中出现了包括 Frida Kahlo 等著名人物的视觉图像,也通过北极熊、消融的冰川等画面引发观众对环境问题的思考。配乐系由 Gene Wilder 演唱的好莱坞经典名曲 “ Pure Imagination”,出自 1971年版电影《查理和巧克力工厂(Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)》。

Adobe 奥斯卡广告:1分钟超高速视觉联想,梦幻到不舍得眨眼Adobe 奥斯卡广告:1分钟超高速视觉联想,梦幻到不舍得眨眼Adobe 奥斯卡广告:1分钟超高速视觉联想,梦幻到不舍得眨眼

配合以上广告,Adobe 同期推出一则短片,感谢对该广告有贡献的艺术家及创作者们。


EVP and CMO: Ann Lewnes
VP, Experience Marketing: Alex Amado
Chief Creative Director: AJ Joseph
Director, Advertising and Production: Joel Giullian

Goodby Silverstein & Partners
Co-Founder/Partner: Jeff Goodby
Co-Founder/Partner: Rich Silverstein
Chief Creative Officer: Margaret Johnson
Creative Director: Matt Edwards
Creative Director: Wes Phelan
Art Director: Jason Gan
Copywriter: Clark Chamberlin

Head of Broadcast Production: Leila Gage
Executive Producer: Tess Kenner

Director of Graphic Services: Jim King

Account Services
Managing Partner: Brian McPherson
Account Manager: Meghan Mast
Assistant Account Manager: Hannah Hadley

Business Affairs
Director of Business Affairs: Judy Ybarra
Senior Business Affairs Manager: Heidi Killeen

Production Company
Director: Buck
Executive Creative Director: Ryan Honey
Creative Director: Jenny Ko
Creative Director (Interim): Georgia Tribuiani
Associate Creative Director: Richard Gray
Art Director: Kyle Strope
Executive Producer: Luisa Murray
Producer: Sunny Sattari
Producer: Ryan Mack
Animation Director: Daniel Coutinho
Animation Lead: Esteban Esquivo
Animation Lead: Peter Kallstrom
Editor: Paal Rui
Editor: Billy Kostka
Editor: Marianne Karaan
Editor: Andrew Gura
Storyboard Artist: Silvia Bassoli
Designer: Ayla Murtada
Designer: Ben Nichols
Designer: Camily Tsai
Designer: Chelsea Lee
Designer: Dae-Han Yi
Designer: Daniel Hyo Kim
Designer: Debora Cruchon
Designer: Esther Moon
Designer: Eve Hodgkinson
Designer: Jigyu (Jigs) Yoon
Designer: Jong Lee
Designer: Kenneth Robin
Designer: Kevin Kim
Designer: Lauren Gaballo
Designer: Lina Yu
Designer: Mike Payne
Designer: Mike Tello
Designer: Shannon Rollins
Designer: Soon Joo
Designer: Zoe Schneider
Animator: Jake Armstrong
Animator: Jasmine Ung
Animator: Jasper Hilgers
Animator: Junyi Xiao
Animator: Kyle Griggs
Animator: Sam Kim
Animator: Stephen Loveluck
Animator: Taylor Griggs
Animator: Zach Eastburg

Mix and Sound Design
Company name: One Union Recording Studios
Senior Audio Engineer: Eben Carr
Executive Producer: Jaylen Block-Smith

Music: “Pure Imagination”
Vocals: Gene Wilder
Writer: Anthony Newley
Writer: Leslie Bricusse
Licenses Courtesy of: Downtown Music Publishing LLC
Licenses Courtesy of: Taradam Music, Inc.
Licenses Courtesy of: The Roald Dahl Story Company Limited
Licenses Courtesy of: Warner Brothers Pictures

Music Arrangement
Company name: Human
Executive Producer: Carol Dunn
Creative and Arrangement: Justin Hori